Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hello Bloggers!

WOW - We have already completed one month out of the year 2010! Is it just me or does time keep moving faster and faster. As a child I had so many events to look forward to: Turning 16, Turning 18, High School Graduation, College, Turning 21, and College Graduation. Just to name a few!!! Now that I have completed each of these mile stones in my life, I sit back and think okay what's next? There are no age mile stones that any girl looks forward to after the age of 21, I have completed college, and have recently got married. So I ask my self what is next (besides children -which is not happening right now)? 

I have decided to dedicate the year 2010 to finding out who I am and what I want to do with the rest of my life. I have a degree in Civil Engineering and I have no idea what I want to do with it. I've been told several times that I should be a teacher. In High School I thought I would end up being a teacher and a coach at a small school and live my life in Arkansas. I now have a Civil Engineering degree, no job, and I live in Hawaii with my wonderful husband. Who would have ever imagined that I would live in Hawaii? Not me, that is for sure. =) It may seem like paradise but it's a hard life; the economy is terrible here, there are so many homeless people (and they are everywhere), the school system is failing, and the unemployment rate is above 12%, and it's so darn expensive. On the upside to this paradise, there is the ocean and all the activities that come with it!

If I had a job, Allen and I could afford to do more of the things we want. We have our regular bills, my student loan bills, and the bills that I have received from my lovely mother. Plus we are paying for a $10,000 wedding that we are planning to have in June on our one year anniversary. Allen and I got married on June 12, 2009 at a chapel on the Air Force base in Maxwell, AL. We had a quick wedding to get me on his orders to Hawaii. This officially started my duties as a wife to the military.

There are several things I want to accomplish this year:
  1. Lose 15 lbs by June and 20lbs by the end of the year. 
    1. So far I have lost 3lbs
      1. Continue to workout 3-4 times a weeks
  2. Figure out what career I want.
    1. Get a job to pay the bills.
    2. Get a job that I enjoy.
  3. Find a church for Allen and I 
    1. This is harder than you may think
      1. Allen is Catholic
      2. I am Baptist
      3. There is not much to choose from here in HI
  4. Wedding
    1. Finish Planning the wedding
    2. Find a way to pay for the plane tickets back to Arkansas
    3. Find a way to pay for the wedding
    4. Have the wedding!!
  5.  Find an activity that will keep me busy while Allen is deployed from August to January. 
This is my life! Welcome to the journey as I find myself and discover where the Apple falls.

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