Monday, October 11, 2010

Deployment Life

Well 2 months are down and there are 5 to go! Five months seem like such a long time when you are waiting for your husband to come home. I try to stay busy. As long as I have plans and work and Steve I do pretty good. It's the day's like today that are hard. I have the day off from work, no plans, and I'm at home missing Allen. I have picked up the house and I have finished laundry, but it's still not enough to keep my mind off of missing Allen. I only get to talk to Allen once or twice a week. Saturday we got to skype for the first time since he has been gone. It was so nice to see his face. Being a military wife is one of the hardest things that I will ever do in life. When Allen joined the military so did I. We are in this together; for better for worse.